Claudia Aju’s story – Guatemala

Claudia Aju participated in a Women’s Justice Initiative (WJI) sponsored Women’s Rights Education Program. Claudia isn’t pictured here for security reasons. This is her story:

WJI taught me about violence and the law that protects against it. I didn’t know what violence was until WJI talked to us about it in the training workshops. When it was explained what violence against women was and the different forms in which violence is committed, I finally realized that it was what I suffered from in my marriage. My husband treated like an animal and because I was so afraid of him, I endured everything he did to me. I also learned about women’s right under the law in Guatemala.

When WJI’s lawyer came to our village and said she could help us with legal needs, I decided to speak to her about my situation. The lawyer told me it was possible to do something about what I thought was hopeless. At that moment I decided to start the legal process.

I do not speak Spanish. Without a translator, I could do nothing in the courts. Because my lawyer spoke Kaqchikel and knew what needed to be done, I wasn’t afraid. She guided me through every part of the process so I felt stronger. Because she could translate what I said, I was able to describe what had happened to me.
The WJI lawyer obtained a restraining order against my husband, which scared him. One time he came into the house, yelling because I had taken over his room. He left, frightened, when he saw I was calling WJI for help and that they were sending the police. From that moment he understood that I was no longer alone, that WJI supported me. He claimed to be afraid of nothing, but the promise of police protection scared him.

My husband no longer bothers us and I live at peace with my son and daughter. We are no longer afraid. I thank God that we are no longer alone, that we can depend on WJI to protect us.